Saturday, 24 October 2009

Free Speech - Who are your neighbours?

In the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the British National Party seems to be a talking point of late, winning European election votes and being a hot topic in the news.

I suppose everyone's entitled to their own opinion in a country that promotes free speech (mostly), but their views are somewhat 'right wing', and a rather lot of people would argue racist.

I'm sure not all of the members are racist and have simply been duped by BNP propaganda, but the views of the party's leadership have been exposed as such, and some of the policies are... well, lets just say radical.

Now, whilst reading the blog Chase me ladies, I'm in the cavalry (in my opinion the best blog title ever!),  I noticed a post about the recently leaked BNP members list. This leak was a hot topic as the BNP claimed it would single it's members out as targets for hate crimes. Well I suppose if your party views are bigoted, that's what may happen.

I in no way condone any such attacks, and respect that different people can have different opinions in this country, as well as different people in this country can be of differing race and religion, because I'm a person who welcomes diversity. If you are a member of said political party, that's up to you and because of the country and society we live in, no one can stop you.

Anyway, I took a look at the leaked BNP members list and searched for the village I reside in and two members live on my street. One may actually live in the house that backs onto mine. *twitchy curtains*

Experimenting, I searched for the town I grew up in. Lots of hits. Another search for another town I also grew up in turned up the name of someone I used to know 20 odd years ago. Git! In fact he actually sent me a friends request on facebook the other day. Glad I ignored it.

Anyway, I'm not sure what my point is, but the list was an interesting thing to search over.

Edit: On closer inspection, there are even people on the list who will give you 'BNP home-schooling" *shiver*


The Random Within

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